Mevlana Exchange Programme


Mevlana Exchange Programme is a programme which aims the exchange of students and academic staff between the Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries. With the regulation published in August 23, 2011 (num: 28034), students and academic staff exchange between Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries has been possible. Different from other exchange programmes, Mevlana Exchange Programme includes all higher education institutions in the world regardless of their region.
Within the framework of the Mevlana Exchange Programme, students registered in formal education at higher education institutions can participate in student Exchange. Exchange involves the student registered at higher education institution to continue part of his/her education in another higher education institution which is a party of Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol.

Students may study abroad for one (minimum) or two (maximum) terms and academic staff may lecture abroad from one week (minimum) to three months (maximum). Accordingly, students and academic staff from any country may benefit from this programme being hosted by Turkish higher education institutions in order to study or lecture.

Who is Mevlana?

The original name of Mevlana, from whom the name of the programme is inspired, is Muhammed Celaleddin. Mevlana was born in 1207 in Belh of Horasan distinct that is now in the border of Afghanistan. The name "Mevlana" was used by Sultan Veled, Şems-i Tebrizi and his lovers, and virtually is a universal symbol which identifies with him. Also, he is known as Rumi by the western people. Mevlana lived in the 13th century, but as a sufi who got beyond the ages with his works, did not make any discrimination between people as indicated in his verse "Come, come whoever you are". As well as his mercy, voluntary and unlimited humanity, he had endless tolerance and he impressed not only the world of Islam but also the whole humanity. He is accepted worldwide as an intellectual with his point of view to the people and life. UNESCO, due to the 800th anniversary of Mevlana’s birth, declared the year 2007 as Mevlana and Tolerance year. Throughout his education, he visited the educational institutions of various cities in different countries not only as a student but also a scholar. Mevlana attributed great importance to "change" in his philosophy throughout his life. He is also the author of the important works like Masnavi, Divan-ı Kebir, Fihi Mafih, Mektubat and Mecalis-i Seba.


Scope of academic staff mobility

All academic staff employed in national and foreign higher education institutions that have signed Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol can join academic staff mobility. This mobility includes education-training activities which an academic staff authorized in one higher education institution will perform in another higher education institution.
Academic staff mobility periods can be minimum one week and at maximum three months for once only in the same education-training year.
In the scope of mobility, academic activities of academic staff can not be less than total six hours weekly. In hourly calculation of the activities performed by academic staff, courses are considered. If course hours do not complete six hours, academic activities like seminars, panels or conferences are evaluated in this context. Academic staff mobility plans which do not contain lectures shall not be considered within Mevlana Exchange Programme and accepted for the Exchange.
To execute academic staff mobility in an active and efficient way, scope, period and conditions of the mobility can be rearranged by CHE Executive Board if necessary.
In the Exchange, priority is given to applications from academic staffs who have not earlier participated in academic staff Exchange activities.
As a result of the evaluation, Our University announce the academic staff entitled to participate in Exchange in the institution web site.
Academic staff entitled to participate in the Mevlana Exchange Programme and do not participate without an excuse, can not apply to this programme for a period of three years.