
General Documents 

Form Description Download
Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol Will be delivered to the institution coordinator.
Mevlana Institutional Codes Will be delivered to the institution coordinator.
Mevlana Subject Field Codes Will be delivered to the institution coordinator.
Application Eligibility Check Will be delivered to the institution coordinator.

Documents For Students

Form Description Download

Mevlana Learning Protocol

The Learning protocol is a document showing lectures that the student will take at the institution. This document must be signed by the student, the home institution, and the host institution before the student goes abroad.The student must deliver original or copy document signed by all parties to the unit before the exchange. If the student changes course after leaving country (within 1 month following the beginning of the training) he/she must complete the training agreement change sheet in such a way as to show lectures that have been added or dropped. Student must deliver original or copy document to the unit after it is signed by both parties. ,
Learning  Protocol( Master Degree and Doctrate Thesis) TheLearning protocol is a document showing the thesis study of the student at the institution. This document must be signed by the student, the home institution, and the host institution. The student must deliver the signed original or copy document to the unit.  
Student Final Report This is a feedback report that reflects student's thoughts about the exchange programme, and should be hand in to the Unit.
Student Certificate of Attendance This is the document that confirm the exchange program and filled by the host institution. Students are bound to hand this document to the Unitafter exchange progress.
Student Declaration This document shows the rights and obligations of the student during Mevlana Exchange Programme.
Letter of Acceptance This is an  approved and signed student acceptance document which express that the individual is accepted as a Mevlana Exchange Programme, and prepeared by the instution that accept the student.
Student Application Form This will be delivered to the Instutition Coordinator.
Candidate Student Application Form This will be delivered to the Instutition Coordinator.
Obligation Contract This document is signed between the students and the host institution. The student is required to visit our unit to arrange and sign the document before leaving the country.
Student Information Form This will be delivered to the Instutition Coordinator.


Documents For Academic Staff 

Form Description Download
Academic Staff Mobility Final Report Form This will be delivered to the Instutition Coordinator.
Academic Staff Certificate of Attendance This will be delivered to the Instutition Coordinator.
Academic Staff Mobility Programme This will be delivered to the Instutition Coordinator.
Academic Staff Grant Agreement This will be delivered to the Instutition Coordinator.
Academic Staff Information Form This will be delivered to the Instutition Coordinator.